Tips to get your 3D assets works in Spatialwork
Spatialwork supports GLB file as the default 3d format.
What is GLB file
A GLB file (. glb), which stands for “GL Transmission Format Binary file”, is a standardized file format used to share 3D data. Precisely, it can contain information about 3D scenes, models, lighting, materials, node hierarchy and animations.
GLB Optimization
Optimizing a GLB (Binary version of the GLTF format) file for SpatialWork involves reducing its size and complexity while preserving visual quality. Here are the key steps to ensure your GLB file is optimized:
Model Complexity Reduction:
Polygon Count: Reduce the number of polygons in your 3D model. Use techniques like retopology to create efficient geometry.
Level of Detail (LOD): Create multiple LOD versions of your model, so the 3D engine can switch to simpler models when they are far from the camera.
Remove Unnecessary Geometry: Delete any hidden or non-visible geometry to reduce the file size.
Texture Optimization:
Texture Size: Ensure textures are an appropriate size. High-resolution textures can be downsized to the required resolution.
Texture Compression: Use texture compression formats like JPEG or PNG to reduce file size.
Texture Atlases: Combine multiple textures into a single texture atlas to reduce draw calls.
However, there is no minimum or maximum texture size but it's recommended to use folowing 2k texture as maximum(2048X2048)
Material Simplification:
Reduce the number of materials and shaders in your model. This reduces draw calls and can simplify the rendering pipeline.
Remove Unnecessary Data:
Remove any unused animation, metadata, or other data from the GLB file.
Use Efficient File Formats:
Use GLB (binary GLTF) as it's a compact format. Avoid using GLTF (text-based) for real-time applications.
PBR (Physically-Based Rendering) Materials:
Use PBR materials for realism and efficiency. PBR materials are designed to work well in real-time engines.
Pivot Point for Model Positioning
Objects imported into Spatial Work retain their data regarding their placement but their Pivot Point will be reset back to the origin point (x:0, y:0, z:0).
Therefore objects that require specific pivot points need to be centered at the origin first before being imported into SpatialWork and then can be moved into place.
Animating and Baking
Normal process as you would do for any animated GLB file.
Importing files
If you edit the id of a model, SpatialWork will recognize it as a new model and will create/duplicate it in the scene therefore remember to cleanup and delete the duplicated/unused model.
Single-sided Faces
To allow the interior to still be seen even when the scene is zoomed out, the environment is designed to be made of single-sided planes with the normal faces facing inwards. SpatialWork will recognize the back faces and treat them as being invisible.
Transparent Material
For window, it's recommended to apply transparent material
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